Benefits and Risks of MRI

As science and medicine progress, various new medical devices are introduced and offered to the public that provides an easier and more effective way of conducting procedures. A common MRI machine is one such device. It has been recognized by the World Health Organization as a valuable diagnostic tool due to its many benefits as well as its risks, which may be harmful to some patients. The costs of medical healthcare have risen exponentially. MRI is a non-invasive, and accurate diagnosis technique that helps to reduce overall cost because of the low incidence rate for misdiagnosis. Arth Diagnostic is the leading MRI center in Udaipur . MRIs are one of the most widely used imaging tests today. With an MRI scan, a patient’s body can be completely imaged using a powerful magnetic field, and radio waves. It can be used to take cross-sectional pictures of gallstones or brain tumors, for example. MRI is non-invasive, painless, has no known side effects, and some people find it relaxing. Ge...